It seems that every time I try to make a custom modification to the vertical layer spacing of T3D I run into non-convergence issues.
I am currently trying to modify the spacing of the layers to increase their resolution towards the surface using MESH TRANSFORMATION = 2 with user defined spacing of the Sigma layers based on percentage of the water depth (TRANSF_PLANE%I(IPLAN) = 2) in the USER_MESH_TRANSF subroutine. The model runs but after about 0.5 hrs exceeds the number of iterations for the propagation step solver.
What I find strange is that keeping the same mesh transformation (Opt. 2) but manually specifying the layers to be evenly spaced gives me the same problem. I would have thought this would be more or less the same as selecting MESH TRANSFORMATION = 1 which converges without issue.
Reducing the timestep of the model does not seem to have any influence.
Have attached my custom USER_MESH_TRANSF subroutine for inspection. Model is setup with NUMBER OF HORIZONTAL LEVELS = 7.