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TOPIC: Vertical Tracer Profile

Vertical Tracer Profile 11 years 9 months ago #8866

  • sumit
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Dear All,

I want to give a vertical profile to the entering tracer in a channel flow simulation. I know that this can be achieved via TRA_PROF_Z function. My problem is that, the program never reaches to the above function. On the line 371 of bord3d.f there is a statement


which include the call to the function TRA_PROF_Z.

But my problem is that the program is not going beyond the above IF statement when I try to print the value of LITABL%ADR(ITRAC)%P%I for all boundary points I only get 2 and it never becomes 5 (value of KENT). Could somebody tell me where I might be going wrong.

By the way what the is exact syntax for activation/specifying vertical tracer profile. This is not very clear in the manual. I have two liquid boundaries inflow and outflow in a channel flow and two tracers entering from the inflow boundary and for both I want to specify the profile at the upstream end.

Thanks in advance for all the help.

Kind regards,
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Vertical Tracer Profile 11 years 9 months ago #8867

  • pham
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Hello Sumit,

You have to change the 8th column of the boundary conditions file with the value 5 rather than 2 for your inflow boundary nodes (please read the User manual, e.g. pp. 33 to 38) because you first want to prescribe a tracer value.

Hope this helps,

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Vertical Tracer Profile 11 years 9 months ago #8873

  • sumit
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Hi Chi-tuan,

That is the problem, my boundary conditions file (.cli file) is OK and I am aware of the column corresponding to prescribed tracer. When I don't given any vertical profile and just specify the inflow value of say 5 all along the depth at the upstream end everything works fine. I am also able to change this in time by specifying the variation in LIQUID BOUNDARY CONDITIONS file. It is the variation along the vertical that is not coming together. By the way would you know where is the BIEF_OBJ LITABL initialized or read ? For that matter which subroutine reads the boundary conditions file ?

Best regards,
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Vertical Tracer Profile 11 years 9 months ago #8878

  • jmhervouet
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To trigger the call of TRA_PROF_Z, you need to have the keyword :

PRESCRIBED TRACER VALUES in your steering file

with a number of values equal to the number of tracers times the number of liquid boundaries. Otherwise (see in bord3d.f) the function TR3 is called.

LITABL is initialised for the first tracer in LECLIM (bief library), but only in a 2D sense. Then in LIMI3D (telemac-3D library) a duplication on the vertical and for all tracers is done.

With best regards,

Jean-Michel Hervouet
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Vertical Tracer Profile 11 years 9 months ago #8893

  • sumit
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Thanks a ton JMH,

Let me confirm couple of more things is the manner for specifying "TRACERS VERTICAL PROFILES" also same ? As far as I understand the value for the particular tracer at the relevant boundary should be 0 for the user program to kick in.

Is it possible to specify different tracer diffusion coefficient in different directions ?

Kind regards,
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Vertical Tracer Profile 11 years 9 months ago #8894

  • jmhervouet
  • jmhervouet's Avatar

Yes (answer to first question).

Yes (answer to second question). Actually the diffusion has a value along x, y and z. The Elder model in 2D uses this (however your model must remain tensorial, for Elder the longitudinal and transversal diffusions are transformed into diffusion along x, y and z, in a way that is left unchanged if you rotate your domain).


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Vertical Tracer Profile 11 years 9 months ago #8908

  • sumit
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Thanks again JMH. Just to clarify about the last part, as mentioned for TELE2D with help ELDER model one can specify different dispersion coefficient in x and y direction, would the same work for TELE3D.

Kind regards,
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Vertical Tracer Profile 11 years 9 months ago #8911

  • jmhervouet
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After thinking a while I am not so sure actually. In 2D the Elder model ends up in 3 coefficients and a diffusion tensor, with Kxx, Kyy and Kxy=Kyx (this is page 64 of my book), so this would give something more complex than simply a different value along x, y and z, that would require changing the dimension of arrays containing the diffusion coefficients, but also the diffusion matrix subroutine (e.g. mt02pp.f). So it depends on what you really want to do.


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Vertical Tracer Profile 11 months 3 weeks ago #44452

  • Raphaël
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I'm having a problem using the TRACERS VERTICAL PROFILES function (version v8p4r0). For my test case, I have created an island in the middle of my study field and I want to inject, from the borders of this island, a tracer flow only on the first two layers (my model has 10 layers). I've managed to create a velocity field on these first two layers only (by modifying the fortran file user_vel_pro_z.f). However, I'm unable to constrain the tracers on these first two layers. The user manual mentions modifying the user_bord3d.f file, but I don't know how to do it... I tried to modify user_tra_prof_z.f (in the same way as user_vel_prof_z.f) but it didn't help. I don't get any error messages, but the result is that my tracers are injected on all my layers at the island's borders (and not on the first two, at the surface)...
And I have an error message when I modify user_bord3d.f (message : utils.exceptions.TelemacException: Could not compile your FORTRAN (runcode=1)).
I enclose here my modified fortran files

File Attachment:

File Name: user_bord3d.f
File Size: 11 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: user_tra_prof_z.f
File Size: 3 KB

Thanks for your help

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Vertical Tracer Profile 11 months 3 weeks ago #44453

  • c.coulet
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if the first trial with the modification user_vel_prof_z.f works, this means you checked the vertical velocity profile is ok i the result, start from here and add the tracer with user_tra_prof_z.f
I don't think user_bord3d is mandatory for your case
Take care about previous posts wrote 10 years ago...

You could also post some illustration to show us the results of your tests

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