A tentative correction is enclosed, a call to plane_bottom added in telemac3d.f. This will be in the next release. Your case now works a few thousands of time steps without any NaN.
On my way I found possible slight improvements :
* remove the keyword MINIMUM VALUE FOR DEPTH (no use here)
* change the accuracy for propagation to 1.E-8 (should have an effect on mass conservation)
* add the keyword:
TREATMENT OF FLUXES AT THE BOUNDARIES : 2 (for your unique boundary)
* check the influence of IMPLICITATION FOR DEPTH (if 1. works, see the difference on mass conservation)
* I suspect that TREATMENT ON TIDAL FLATS FOR TRACERS = 1 spoils the mass conservation (cancelling a tracer on a tidal flat with depth = 0 may however change the mass of tracer if there are nearby points with water, just by linear interpolation).
* lastly your line T3DBDF = (/7252:7326:1/) and the following are considered a syntax error by the Nag compiler, so it is probably not Fortran 90.
* in CONDIM use MESH%KNOLG under condition of NCSIZE.GT.1 (and if not just do N=J) so that the program works also in scalar mode.
That's all, have a good week-end,
Jean-Michel Hervouet