I'm running a 3D large case study after a 2D simulation (with good agreement to measurements) on the same domain.
In 3D runs, I imposed, at the offshore boundary, free-surface elevations and vertical profiles of u-v velocities (all conditions variable in time and space), resulting from a large scale model (I'm doing a sort of chaining with this model).
2D (i.e. depth average) results from 3D runs are quite good, very similar to the tel2d run, previously performed.
BUT if I look to vertical profiles of velocity, to start, the results are very different from measurements, but ALSO from the profiles I imposed as BC.
The resulted profiles are quite uniform with depth.
My question is: which are the parameters that strongly influence the vertical profiles of velocity?
I attached here the cas file, but I also tested different vertical turbulence model, without any improvements.
It seems like there's an imposed vertical profile....
Any advices will be very grateful, thanks.