Hello Jean-Michel,
thank you for the answer. Some other remarks:
actually the implementation is reasonable since it assumes simply a linear decrease of k_bed and epsilon-bed from the bottom boundary condition (see e.g. Rodi) to the water surface with k-surf and epsilon-surf being zero at the surface. This description reflects the vertical distribution of k in open channel flow & log-velocity profile (lot of literature) and fits e.g. well to my measurements (hopefully written down soon
As a side note and to get conform with the water surface condition and in order to avoid too high differences between adjacent nodes: if the user specifies a dirichlet condition at the surface for epsilon-surf (line 220 in kepcl3.f) the linear interpolation should be between those values.
And shouldn't have k and epsilon a Neumann boundary condition at an outflow boundary? See line 259 in kepcl3.f for k.
The THEORY BY VINCENT BOYER for the inlet condition, k as a function of inlet velocity and turbulent intensity, is the usual approach in various CFD packages for pipe flow simulations and there it works well. However in open channel flow and assuming a logarithmic velocity profile at the inlet the approach would give an increasing k towards the surface and so the channel distance needed for a physical (reversed) k profile would be maybe even more compared to a condition with no turbulence at the inlet.
So I would appreciate the idea, if the user can decide between the two options using a keyword. By the way in Telemac-2D the implemented inflow boundary conditions for k and epsilon work very well.
Best regards,