Dear all,
We are working on a case involving wave modelling in a lake using both Tomawac and Artemis, chained together. We are relatively new to those modules, especially Artemis. We use version 8.1.2.
We run two scenarios corresponding to two different lake surface elevations and wind speeds, both in Tomawac and Artemis (bathymetry is expressed relatively to a fictive water surface at 0 in all models). For one of the scenarios, the Artemis results are OK but for the second scenario, the results are not OK, showing what looks like boundary effects propagating into the mesh (see first image). What is strange is that the animation created for this very similar scenario is showing OK results (see second image). Does someone know what is happening? It is strange to get OK results in the animation but not in the result file itself?!
Are we missing something? I attach the steering and boundary file. Both scenarios use the same boundary file (.cli) and the same set-up.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards,
1st image
2nd image