I am using Blue kenue to build my mesh. However I have read that I need to have a well-oriented mesh and domain area. My domain area is in Mercator projection therefore, I would like to know how can I oriented my domain in Blue kenue in order to add the following commands words in my steering file.
(LATITUDE OF ORIGIN POINT and LONGITUDE OF ORIGIN POIN) because as far as Understood the projection is supposed to be done around this point, but how can I do that? I know that I need to include that words with the coordinates of my reference point in my sterring file but my questions is related to how can I do that in Blue Kenue.
For example I want the reference point at
X = -111.902617 Longitude West
Y = 23.107399 Latitude North (Near to the Gulf of California entrance)
Equal in Mercator as:
X_Mercator = -12456942.331691
Y_Mercator = 2628249.228182
Thank you