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LinMZ.zipFile Size: 177 KB
Hello again,
There is always more than 1 way to skin a cat but here is an example of how you can utilize Blue Kenue efficiently to create a quality mesh.
Of course without knowing the exact processes you are trying to capture in your model I can only guess at what your optimal mesh would look like.
I've attached 2 t3m files.
The first one, "IslandOutlineResampler.t3m" creates a new IslandOutline that "reasonably" captures the geometry of the island in your domain. NOTE: this does not create a mesh. It simply uses tools built into the mesher to resample the island outline.
The second "FinalMesh.t3m incorporates the new IslandOutline as a "HardLine" and also provides a pointset from which the spatial variability of the final mesh density is interpolated.
Hope this helps... Martin