At the
TELEMAC-MASCARET Users Conference 2013 workshop day, there will be a “Numerical options of TELEMAC” session. For this we would like to ask the people who participate in the workshop to give us an idea, in which topics they are interested. Jean-Michel Hervouet, who will present this workshop, provided us with a list from which we would like you to choose your favourite topics (you can click the "Vote" link up to 3 times):
- Introduction to numerical techniques in Telemac (but this is basic: finite differences, finite volumes, finite elements..., inf-sup condition)
- New advection schemes (explaining schemes 13 and 14)
- Linear solvers (conjugate gradients, etc.)
- Advanced programming
- Inside BIEF
- Thompson's boundary conditions
- Saint-Venant equations
- Steering Telemac-2D
- Parallelism
- Tidal flats and dry zones
- Fundamentals of turbulence
Hope to see you all in October,