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TOPIC: Ice module

Ice module 7 years 3 weeks ago #28845

  • shenh
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I am excited to see the addition of the ice modelling in version v7p3 in the source codes. However, I did not find any documentation on it other than trying to set up a model with the help of dico file. Not much success so far...

Do we have any documentation available I oversaw? Specifically, I have the following questions:
- how do I output ice thickness data to tel2d result file? I could not find the variable name in the tel2d dico file.

- does the code model ice formation, growth, and decay processes?

- does the formulated ice cover impact the water hydrodynamic?

- I assume the ice module works with water temperature model. Just to confirm.

- by setting the INITIAL CONDITIONS to CONSTANT ICE COVER, how can I define an initial ice thickness?

Thanks for adding this great module to the telemac family,

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Ice module 7 years 3 weeks ago #28847

  • sebourban
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We have so far only introduced a place holder in v7p3. Hence the absence of documentation etc.

The new module should be available in v7p4 as we are finalising some of the test and validation cases. Just to confirm, the module will have everything mentioned in your post and more (seepage, ice blocks floating and jamming, etc.) ...

Looking forward to introduce khione to the family ...

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Ice module 5 years 10 months ago #33491

  • charlotta.lovstedt
  • charlotta.lovstedt's Avatar
Hello Sebastien,

I wonder if there is an ice module implemented now, as you mension in this reply. Is it included in version 8?

Best regards,
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Ice module 5 years 10 months ago #33495

  • riadh
  • riadh's Avatar
Hello Charlotta

Yes, the first version ice module called KHIONE is already in release V8P0. It deals with all the Eulerian part.
The Lagrangian part is still under development and hopefully it will be introduced for next release.

kind regards

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Ice module 4 years 2 months ago #37409

  • sheyuntong
  • sheyuntong's Avatar
I am excited to try KHIONE in release V8P2. The first thing I tried is ice impact on hydrodynamics, i.e. modeling the flow under a static ice cover. I ran the example test cases in the ice_cover folder. However, the result file shows ice thickness equals to zero even though there is ice cover in the initial slf file. The computed water surface elevation is no difference than open water condition. Any help?
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Ice module 4 years 2 months ago #37425

  • sheyuntong
  • sheyuntong's Avatar
Correction. I wasn't looking at the right time step for results. The water surface looks more reasonable now but the ice thickness is zero for any time. I opened the result file in BlueKenue.
sheyuntong wrote:
I am excited to try KHIONE in release V8P2. The first thing I tried is ice impact on hydrodynamics, i.e. modeling the flow under a static ice cover. I ran the example test cases in the ice_cover folder. However, the result file shows ice thickness equals to zero even though there is ice cover in the initial slf file. The computed water surface elevation is no difference than open water condition. Any help?
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Ice module 3 years 6 months ago #38995

  • sheyuntong
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Agree. What's the status now?
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Ice module 3 years 6 months ago #39029


In V8P2, there seems to be a bug in the continuation of computation with ice cover.
It has been corrected in our development branch and should work fine in the next release.

Best regards,

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