Hello community,
I have followed the advices of pablo for using NESTOR to modelise the propagation of dredged sediment plume.
First, i will use the dredging with criterion, because i must use differents simulation with varing the rate of resuspension (i don't know exactly how i can make this but i will search).
So from wich i understand, the essentialy of this module is based on three file:
01- NESTOR ACTION FILE = _DigActions.dat
This file principaly determine the period of dredging, the name of the polygon where occured the dredging, the dredging rate (m/s), the volume of dredge material.....
02-NESTOR POLYGON FILE = _DigPolys.dat
With this file i integrated to my model the surface where the dredging occured. Like in the picture below
From this picture we can sea, that the surface of dredging is taked acount in the simulation (it's represent the evolution of bed). But in the other way i see in the harbour for exemple some zone of erosion. From wich manner is calculated this érosion?
With this file my simulation don't run at all, it make the error below;
01- First, is it a problem if i use NESTOR in the HARBOUR? i mean the third file delimite the zone of the channel, with coordinate of the right and the left of the channel, so in my prooject i just integrated the coordinates of the right and left coastal line of the center of source point.
02- Second, for the third file, i just make all the Z to 0m, is it a mistakes? if yes, where is the reference for the digdepth.
03- Third, i am not understand why i don't have a result of quantity of sediment suspension? is there any special key word that i must use?
04-Finaly, do you think that is possible to integrate the rate of resuspension sediment wich depending of the type of drague?
Sorry for the many questions, but i really want to more understand , it's very an interessant modul.
Thank you in advance.