In fudaa :
For creating the vectors, you have first to create the two variables sin(TETA_MOY*3.1416/180) and cos(TETA_MOY*3.1416/180) (Post > Result files > Edit variables > Add a formule). Then you create the vector composed by these 2 components (Add a vector).
You can then plot them on your wave height field (Select the layer Vectors). You can also choose to plot only some of the vectors (click on Configuration and choose the density, norm, ... of your vectors).
You can also export the values of the significant wave height and mean direction at each point of your mesh (for one time step) with fudaa : select all your points (Polygon selection) and then click on the values table; then you can export the data.
I don't think I can give you more advices on this, I am not an expert in post-processing.
Best regards,