I believe the simplest way is to convert Telemac result files to Paraview's *.vtk format. I have a couple of scripts that will allow you to do this. The scripts are part of my
PPUTILS package.
To convert a *.slf to an ascii *.vtk, you invoke the following.
$ python sel2vtk.py -i result.slf -o result.vtk
To save space, you can convert the *.slf to a binary *.vtk as follows:
$ python sel2vtk_bin.py -i result.slf -o result.vtk
Note that one file will be created for each timestep. Let me know if it works for you.
I also seem to recall that STBTEL has a conversion script that does the same. You'll have to look into it. Your other option is to use the *.slf reader for Paraview (but you'll have to compile Paraview in order to use it). I have read that some on these forums have done this.