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TOPIC: Script sel2vtk 0.5.5

Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 10 years 11 months ago #12531

  • Lux
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Dear all,
I am trying to use Paraview 4 to visualize my 3D results from Telemac.
I did not manage to implement this add-ons (compile with the add-ons) on my Linux (probably because the add-ons on the svn is not designed for Paraview 4). And it seems even more complicated to install on Windows.
That is why I fell back on the fortran script sel2vtk.f90 (developed by Oliver G. and available on the svn) to convert the telemac file into vtk format and open it afterwards on Paraview.

But the script generates an error when I execute it with my telemac result files.
The error displayed is : "Error reading table of elements! - Error in function "read_selafin_mesh_f"" (with sel2vtk.f90) and "Error reading number of variables! - Error in function "read_selafin_mesh_f"" (with sel2vtk_new.f90).

The only files I managed to convert with the script sel2vtk (both of them) are the validation files provided in the examples folder (f3d_xxxxx.slf).
The variables included in the files I am trying to convert are : elevation z, dynamic pressure and UVW velocity.
Is there someone using this script who has also some troubles? What are the constraints on the input file? (number of frames? variables?)

Thank you in advance
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Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 10 years 8 months ago #13327

  • sebourban
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I have not used the plugin before but just in case it helps, did you make sure that your fortran converter was compiled with the big-endian option ? It may not be able to ready your TELEMAC files otherwise (by default in big-endian).

Hope this helps,
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Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 10 years 8 months ago #13341

  • Lux
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Thank you for your suggestion Sébastien.
In fact I found the solution to my problem, after some investigations in the fortran code.

The sel2vtk code I used is the version 0.5.5 available online here.
The option BIG-ENDIAN was one of the problems, that I simply solved in changing the function which opens the SLF file in :

But the other problem is that sel2vtk was not reading the date, which is represented by a succession of integers (year, month, day, hour...) contained in my SLF file (in my Telemac CAS file, I defined the starting date of the simulation).
I added a step to read these data because otherwise the program was affecting theses integers to the next variables (mesh attributes: number of elements, points...).

Best regards

PS : It did not investigate the vtk file structure/format but does someone tried to condense these files? Because the VTK files generated with sel2vtk are approx. 10 times much larger than the initial SLF file... This is caused by a lot of redundancies between the files generated (and also the use of an ASCII format).
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Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 10 years 8 months ago #13346

  • yugi
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The sel2vtk script is now obsolete you should use the converter in stbtel instead. Documentation on that converter is in documentation/stbtel/stbtel_report.tex.

The big-endian issue is dealt with in the compiler options (see configs/syste.edf.cfg for example)

Hope it helps
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
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Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 9 years 5 months ago #18462

  • Watermotion.eu
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The issue with sel2vtk.f90 and the date format has been addressed in another thread. One could compile and install the file sel2vtk_new.f90 instead, which is also distributed at least as of Telemac 6.3.2. To read more about this, you could start reading on from this post. Hope this helps.
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Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 9 years 4 months ago #18570

  • Watermotion.eu
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A revised version of sel2vtk 0.5.5 proved to work on several situations is available for download from this post. For future reference to the current state of the play (October 2015).
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Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 9 years 3 months ago #19060

  • Gaeta
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thanks for your very useful suggestions.
I reported the following message I got when I tried to convert a "simple" geo file into vtk format.
I used the "merged version" by Watermotion.eu (thanks for your kind sharing).
I got "segmentation fault" message, the out file was written but it is not readable in Paraview.


Any suggestions to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.

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Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 9 years 3 months ago #19061

  • c.coulet
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As already indicater in this topic, sel2vtk is now obsolete.
Try to use the converter script instead.

just enter the following command line:
converter.py geo_wesel.slf -o geo_wesel.vtk

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Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 9 years 3 months ago #19062

  • Gaeta
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Thanks for your help.
My tel version is v6p3r2, running on a Windows server in parallel mode.
I got the attached error.

Helps? What am I missing??

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Script sel2vtk 0.5.5 9 years 3 months ago #19063

  • Gaeta
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Thanks for your help.
My tel version is v6p3r2, running on a Windows server in parallel mode.
I got the attached error.

Helps? What am I missing??


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