Dear All,
I have been trying to develop a simulation to couple Python code with Telemac2d, similar to this
article. In my code, the objective function needs different variables that need to be computed using user subroutines, such as velocity gradients or strain rate. I have computed my variables using fortran subroutines:
- user_nomvar_telemac2d.f
- user_preres_telemac2d.f
As stated in the
user manual, I have four private variables which can be used and exported in the results.slf
I have tried to access the variable through TelApy:
Nevertheless, there is no documentation to retrieve these user variables. The
TelApy user manual, provides step to add new variables to API Fortran by modifying the file in the source folder declarations_telemac2d.f and then add it to api_instance_t2d.f.
Is there a way to access them without modifying the source code? I checked the declarations_telemac2d.f, file and it seems that the variables 'PRIVE' are declared in:
Are this the variables used in user_nomvar_telemac2d.f?
Is it possible to access via API Fortran this variables without modifying the source code?
I have started to use telemac a couple of months ago and I am still a beginner.
I really appreciate any help
Kind regards,