Dear Chelo,
That message means you have several config. to compile or run telemac, and you are using a specific one called "debgfortrans", which, according to your cfg file attached,is for scalar mode processing (no parallel settings at all, only one processor or cpu used).
Like the Mugiwara crew member comment above, I also suspect that you didn't set up an env. variable for SYSTELCFG in your .bashrc file nor passing the argument "-c" with the name of a cfg. profile that has compiled with MPI capabilities.
So let's try this:
- Check if you have a build with one of the following names (according to your cfg file): debgfopenmpi, debgfopenmpidbg , ubugfmpich2 (or something with mpi or mpich2); under your telemac folder, which I believe is: /home/chelobarros/v7p1r0/builds
- If you do have a folder like that, when you call please add the "-c THAT_FOLDERNAME"
- If you dont have any of above names in that folder, you need to compile again a new build that has mpi or mpich2 support, if you intend to go parallel.
If that latter one is the case,assuming that you have your installation in "/home/chelobarros/v7p1r0/" I recommend you to:
Edit the bashrc profile of your ubuntu distro (be careful with this please)
Add opentelemac's python scripts to your path, in your case comething like:
export PATH="/home/chelobarros/v7p1r0/scripts/python27":$PATH
Create an alias for the SYSTELCFG (e.g. tele-ompi) (if you plan to use multiple telemacs builds or configs), note that I used the "systel.cis-debian_2016-08-04.cfg" file just as an example :
alias tele-ompi="export SYSTELCFG='/home/chelobarros/v7p1r0/configs/systel.cis-debian_2016-08-04.cfg'"
Save the bashrc file and close it and then relog your session or in the terminal type:
Try your setup:
This should be written every time you open a new terminal and want to use this cfg, in the example:
And this should test the open your cfg file, close it after verify is the right one,
Please take into account that you have in the "systel.cis-debian_2016-08-04.cfg" both "debgfopenmpi" and "debgfortrans", if you don't need the scalar setup, please remove the "debgfortrans" entry here:
# _____ _______________________________
# ____/ TELEMAC Project Definitions /______________________________/
configs: debgfopenmpi debgfortrans
And in your terminal start the compilation process,
After the compiling process, try an example case like bumpflu
cd /home/chelobarros/v7p1r0/examples/telemac2d/bumpflu t2d_bumpflu.cas
And verify it ends with "My work is done" message.
I hope this advice is helpful to you, regards
José D.