Hi, Can anyone help me?
I got trouble when installing telemac on linux (mine is SuSe 9). The installation procedure are given below:
1. untarred the system, put into the directory
Then in this directory, i can see many folders, such as bin, config, bief...
2. Go into directory bin:
cd /home/chunwang/bin
and run the command
chmod 755 *
to make all the scripts in this directory executable. This step is not written in the Installing mannual, but it seems necessary on my computer!!!
3. Edit .bashrc, added the path
export PATH=/home/chunwang/TELEMAC/bin:$PATH
4.Define environment variable
export SYSTELCFG=/home/chunwang/TELEMAC/config
5.Modify the file systel.ini as follows
6.Then I run the command
only to find it gives me
/home/chunwang/TELEMAC/bin/cfgmak: line 14: Error: command not found
In my computer, there already exists perl in function. So, I took it and gave the PERLPATH and PERL5LIB as above. In addition, I also tried other HOSTTYPE, but got the same problem!
I think that this problem may be due to the file cfgmak. Then I checked this file. In this file, there is a line
In fact, on my computer if I add a line
after it. It only gives me
bloc in /home/chunwang/TELEMAC/config/systel.ini
which is of course not the PERLPATH we want. Thus problem caused. It seems that the subprogram fillHashFromBloc() in some perl scripts, such as getperlpath.pl, cfgmak.pl, is in problem: It doesn't read, in the file systel.ini, the section named by HOSTTYPE (e.g. [linux] here)!!!