Your problem with your compilation under [fedgfortranp] is that you are missing tomawac. If you look at the "modules", indeed you have chosen to remove tomawac.
Just repalce this:
modules: update system -tomawac
... by this:
modules: update system
I note that you have two different mpiexec command, whether with
mpi_cmdexec: /opt/intel/impi/4.0.0/bin64/mpiexec
mpi_cmdexec: /usr/lib64/mpich2/bin/mpiexec
I trust these are correct, but it gives me a clue ...
In your [Cengfopenmpi] configuration you have references to paths in /opt/intel/impi/ ... which are the Intel Fortran MPI implementation. Yet your fortran compiler is gfortran. These two are not compatible.
If you choose gfortran (4.6 strongly recommended, actually necessary) you need to download and install the appropriate openmpi or mpich2 implementations of the MPI-2 standard.
Please note that the METIS library should also be compiled with the same compiler.
Hope this helps.