Dear T2D Community, i recently to do some heavy rainfall simulations based on prec radar data of real events (2012-2024) like Broich et al. (2019) []. For that I use the SCS-CN Method and try to meet measured data at the end of a very urbanized area. I am not able to calibrate anything before every culvert, retentions basin and some pumping stations are integrated into the modle. For that I am looking for some examples to do 3 things in a coherent way: 1) I want to give over the discharge of one sub-catchment area to another (if I am not meeting the measured discharge curve I use them instead) into another. Reason for that is, that study area is very large (~500 lkm²) so I decided to do it in parts and merge them together afterwards. I deepdived into the examples and Forum posts, but i cannot reach my goal coherently (see attached files) What do I need to do, to hand over a unsteady discharge curve. 2) Another topic is the integration of water-level dependend Retention basins. I know the operation scheme for retention basins and pumping stations, but I dont have any clue how to integrate it into the model. Do you have any idea how to integrate both reffering to a distinct water level. I first thought about culverts to define a specific discharge amount, but its not working well. I attached everything with further explanation and hope you can help
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