I am trying to use TELEMAC3D-SISYPHE model to reproduce a couple of physical model flume studies looking at the scour around a vertical wall and around a revetment.
I am using 'van rijn' equation for both the bed load and suspended load. The model works fine for the vertical wall case. When I applied the same set of parameters for the revetment case, the model predicted a large scour value (over 500 m) for a node on the slope of the revetment with in 2 time steps. I suspected that this has to do with model computing a high value for the theoretical concentration in the water column and hence needs to pick up the sediment from the bed. I tried to find out which subroutine this computation took place but have trouble finding it. However, this problem was alleviated when I increased MINIMAL VALUE OF THE WATER HEIGHT from 1 cm to 2 cm. While the problem is solved for now, I am a bit puzzled on the role of MINIMAL VALUE OF THE WATER HEIGHT plays in SISYPHE in particular the calculation for suspended load.