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TOPIC: Beginner's problems

Beginner's problems 14 years 5 months ago #539

  • marcodp
  • marcodp's Avatar
Dear Sirs _
I have recently installed Fudaa-Prepro and TELEMAC-2D and I am currently trying to run the tests that are enclosed in your software package. My guess is that the serious difficulties I have come across are due to the different versions of the various parts that constitute the package:-
- TELEMAC-2D exe file [Version 5.9]
- TELEMAC-2D FTN 90 source code [Version 6.0]
- TELEMAC-2D Manual [Version 5.9]
- TELEMAC Guide for Programming [Version 1.0] H-P74-2009-00801-EN
- Fudaa Preprocessor [Version 29Jun2010]
- Fudaa Manual [Version 30Nov2005]

My OS is Win XP. The installation I have executed results in the location of the telemac2dV5P9.exe file in the directory:-


If I click on the said exe file what happens is that a DOS window is flashed for a fraction of a second on the screen - end of the story.

I therefore guessed that the program needs a DOS window in order to run; so I have prepared a "tm2.bat" batch file. After several trials and errors, by looking into the FTN source code in the end I understood that the INPUT files need to have their names changed in T2D+"former name in capitals without extension" (i.e. .txt). Whereas Fudaa Preprocessor still expects the said extensions.

When I type tm2 under the DOS window in the above directory - in which the attached INPUT files are now located - ver. 5.9 is run by the command:-


This results in the messages attached in the file RapportTM2.txt that end with the FTN terminal error:-

forrtl: severe (29): file not found, unit 12, file

File TM2IMP is never ever mentioned anywhere in all the Manuals. What is it for?

In the Fudaa and TELEMAC-2D Manuals so far I have failed to find how a very simple open channel geometry is prepared for the FEM analysis. The geo files of the examples are binary and therefore cannot be opened with a text editor.

I would like to test the following very simple rectangular channel transient


but I still have no idea of how to get started.

Best regards


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Re:Beginner's problems 14 years 5 months ago #540

  • jmhervouet
  • jmhervouet's Avatar

The compiled version for Windows is meant for the Intel compiler, otherwise you have to compile version 6.0 following the installation guide. The user interfaces Fudaa or Blue Kenue may be used or not. Even without them you can run example cases just by running the command : telemac2d name_of_parameter_file, the parameter file being generally called cas.txt. You need to do so in a DOS window into the folder containing the example. The telemac2d command is interpreted by perl language, so it must be duly installed on your machine. This telemac2d command will copy all the files in a temporary folder, in this folder the files are renamed T2DGEO for geometry, etc. so this is why the*.exe executable file expects such names (but this file must not be clicked on directly).

If you are in an emergency and need an hotline help (at a cost) we can send you addresses of 3 organisations that offer assistance contracts.

With best regards,

Jean-Michel Hervouet
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Re:Beginner's problems 14 years 5 months ago #541

  • marcodp
  • marcodp's Avatar
Hallo Mr Hervouet,
Thank you for your prompt response.
Please send me an email.

Do these gentlemen speak English fluently? That would be a requirement, I am afraid.

Best regards
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