Hi Zeina,
I cannot understand why you downloaded a pre-compiled version and then re-compile it, that is a strange way to proceed.
By the way, if you want to compile your own TELEMAC, it is also advised to download source codes from svn.opentelemac.org
For version 6.2, the current tag is v6p2r1. Please see
FYI, the only files I changed to compile TELEMAC with gfortran on Windows for a test are attached below (systel-all_svn.ini changed into systel.ini, maktel_svn.pl into maktel.pl, like yours with the activation of gfortran), then after filling in environment variables (did you fill it correctly? In particular SYSTELCFG and Path?) typing cfgmak in config sub-directory should write a message to say which cfgmak.mak file has been updated and its path (if it is not correct, that means that SYSTELCFG variable has not been taken into account) and cfgmak.mak file should be updated with information included in systel.ini file (in particular which compiler you use
I used a 32 bit computer with strawberry perl with gfortran 4.6.3 already installed with strawberry perl. I do not think that the differences between versions can lead to your problem.
This is not the optimal configuration, but it worked just to test.
Hope this helps,