Thanks a lot for your help!
“usually, the numerical diffusion is mainly related to the advection of the velocities. Hence, the only really influential solutions are further refining the mesh or / and you can try also the ERIA scheme, which is the advection scheme nr. 15. This should be the less diffusive scheme. I tested it only in Telemac-2D. I don't know if it works in Telemac-3D. The developers should know more. You can switch on for the velocity and the tracer. For k and e a first order scheme is usually enough, like nr. 14.”
Unfortunately the computation doesn’t run with advection scheme nr. 15.
Concerning the mesh, I made a computation with a resolution of 0,25 m instead of 0,50 m to see if the results keep getting better with refining the mesh in the vertical. The results actually get better, but the diffusion of the tracer in the lower layer still happens too fast. A finer resolution in the vertical doesn’t seem reasonable to me for this case.
“Other things:
I would stick to default values for the diffusion coefficient of velocity and tracer (1.e-6) since they represent the kinematic viscosity of water.”
I changed it; of course it is still better to stay in the physical realistic, and as said before the effect of the results is quite meaningless.
You uncommented FRICTION COEFFICIENT FOR THE BOTTOM.. default value = 60 m. or do you have the friction coefficients in the geometry file?”
No, I do not have the friction coefficients in the geometry file.
I corrected the values and set them = 0.03.
It didn’t change the results since there is no inlet in this calculation. But it would have be an issue in the further calculations with an inflow.
“Try to set mass lumping to the default values.”
“Try to lower the IMPLICITATION FOR VELOCITIES to 0.55.”
This actually made the results a bit worse.
“k-epilson model:
can be really very tricky to set up the inlet conditions in 3D. Depending on the prescribed boundary conditions for k and e and your geometry either you have too low k and e for a long stretch or you have too high values. If you have a geometrical disturbance in the vicinity of the inlet, then this disturbance will control your k and e downstream which is good. Otherwise you need maybe a really long stretch till the turbulence is fully developed, independently of the pre-scribed values for k and e at the inlet.”
Thanks a lot for these informations concerning k-epsilon model, I will keep that in mind for the computation with an inflow.
Best regards