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TOPIC: 2way connection with controlled flooding areas in estuary

2way connection with controlled flooding areas in estuary 10 years 10 months ago #12642

  • Svensmolders
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in the Scheldt estuary in Belgium we control storm tide propagation by means of flooding areas that will flood at a specific time during very high tides. Recently some of these areas have been modified to recreate tidal nature. THey now have inlet sluice that allow the tide to partially enter these areas. Outlet valves will evacuate the water at low tide.

My general question was which would be the best way to include this kind of connection (inlet and outlet sluices) with a 2D and/or 3D model (in the end it will be a 3D model) of the estuary?
Does anyone have experience with similar needs and wants to share the experiense.
We are thinking about changing the subroutines for weirs or culverts. Any other ideas?


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2way connection with controlled flooding areas in estuary 10 years 8 months ago #13322

  • sebourban
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Yes, those subroutine are the right one. However, there are not yet available in 3D.

In 3D, I suggest you use the subroutine SOURCE and loop over the NSCE. Then you know what are the ins and the outs from the list of coordinates in your steering file and your know the node number these correspond to with ISCE.

You can therefore say something like
if I.EQ.1 then
   QSCE(1) = Q1
elseif I.EQ.2 then
   QSCE(2) = -Q1

Of course you have to define your FLOWFUNCTION ...

Hope this helps,
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2way connection with controlled flooding areas in estuary 10 years 8 months ago #13534

  • Flo64
  • Flo64's Avatar
Hi Svensmolders,

Did you find a solution for your kind of connection?
How did you do? Can you explain me?

Thanks in advance
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2way connection with controlled flooding areas in estuary 10 years 8 months ago #13545

  • Svensmolders
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Hi Florian,

we changed the subroutine SOURCE to make it work in 3D. We searched for the best formulas to describe the flow of water through the sluices (kind of weir or culvert flow). these formulas were included in the subroutine. The communication in the model is only between two points (like the subroutine SOURCE) and the kind of flow depends on the water level inside the flood control area and at the river side. This works really nice. We tested this with a small model of such a flooding area and compared measurements with model results.
I will present some results at the user conference in Oktober.
We are still working on the integration of this subroutine in the general TELEMAC software and if it is working well we can share the subroutine.

If you have specific questions feel free to ask

Best regards,

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