I try to validate TELEMAC-3D model with physical model at 1/35 scale (Froude similitude) before to study scale effects with scale 1/1.
My assumptions are described in following points:
- geometry reduction by ratio 35 (on XY and Z);
- Froude similitude applied on time step, simulation time, discharge and water level at boundary conditions, friction coefficient for the bottom.
- others keywords: non-hydrostatic version, 10 horizontal levels (with % fixed on water depth), K-epsilon turbulence model, 10-6 for diffusion of velocities, smooth turbulence model for the bottom)
Does it exist other parameter to take in account?
There are some strange results in some parts of the domain with high vertical speed (W component) with low water depth... at these points, horizontal mesh seems correct but we have a mesh vertical distorsion superior to 10. Is it only a meshing issue?
Thanks for your help!