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TOPIC: layout and scale Fudaa

layout and scale Fudaa 13 years 6 months ago #2065

  • JA
  • JA's Avatar
Hi guys,

I am using Fudaa prepro 1.1 RC2 to do post processing and generate some maps.

I can't find how to insert a scale bar, north arrow and how to choose the scale map?
I would like to choose a scale 1:25,000.

What is the best to generate some maps? Fudaa or ArcGIS?
So far, for the layout, I feel Fudaa is very poor compare to ArcGIS...


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Re:layout and scale Fudaa 13 years 6 months ago #2066

  • c.coulet
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Hi Julien

Fudaa and ArcGIS are 2 different products.
Fudaa allow you to visualize very quickly your computation results, create some animation. It gives you a first level of result management. One more things it allow you to export telemac results in different format for external management.

About your question, it's not possible to insert scale bar, north arrow and choose the scale map with fudaa. You could add a grid on your result.

If this functionalities are important for you, you could just use fudaa to convert your result from selaphin to shape.

You could also try Blue Kenue. I know you could add North choose scale ...

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Re:layout and scale Fudaa 13 years 6 months ago #2071

  • JA
  • JA's Avatar
Thank you for your reply.
So, I will use Fudaa to check quickly my results and export it.


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