News - Events

Compact Course: Hydraulic modelling of open channel flow with free software (GERMAN / ENGLISH )

This compact 3(+1) day course will be held at the Fasanenschlösschen in Karlsruhe by Dr.-Ing. Uwe H. Merkel from UHM Consulting Engineers, Karlsruhe.
Date: April 2015, 20th to 23rd (German)
Date: June 2015, 22nd to 25th (English)

The course is suitable for those who want to use Telemac, Paraview and QGIS in daily business.

  • Understand the whole tool chain, learn to set up and use your own cluster.
  • Adapt the source code to your own needs.
  • Find out what is really important to produce the optimum results for your projects.

TELEMAC Summer School 2015 at HR Wallingford announced

This hands-on 5 day course will be held in Wallingford, Oxfordshire (UK) between the 6th and 10th July 2015. The summer school will cover meshing with Blue Kenue, hydraulic modelling with TELEMAC-2D/TELEMAC-3D, sediment modelling with SISYPHE, and wave modelling with ARTEMIS and TOMAWAC. You can choose to attend the whole week or choose to attend modules individually

This course is suitable for consultants and students who are working on riverine, coastal and maritime hydrodynamic modelling projects. You will have the opportunity to meet the tutors and other TELEMAC users.

Please click here for more details and to register.

Next User Conference

We are pleased to announce that the next (XXIInd) openTELEMAC-MASCARET user conference will be organised on the 15th and 16th October 2015 in Daresbury Laboratory, between Manchester and Liverpool in the U.K.

We also would like to let you know that we are going to run a training session on the 13th and 14th October, where the attendees will get the chance to run their simulations over a large number of processors on our Blue Gene/Q.

More details to follow next year...

XXIst TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference Planning

A provisory planning of the Conference is now available

Provisory planning



The open TELEMAC-MASCARET template for Joomla!2.5, the HTML 4 version.