News - Development and distribution
Fuda-Mascaret 3.2.1 available
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- Published on Friday, 14 February 2014 11:01
The FUDA-MASCARET 3.2.1 release is now available on the download page. This includes the following changes:
- Correction of the sediment menu
- Addition of French documentation
- Correction of some typos
Fuda-Mascaret 3.2 available
- Details
- Published on Monday, 06 January 2014 12:00
The FUDA-MASCARET 3.2 release is now available on the download page. A new sediment menu is available in this version for bed load transport.
Latest release - v6p3r2
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- Published on Sunday, 22 December 2013 10:45
Following the plan of our new release cycle (i.e. more frequent intermediate releases between major releases), the new version v6p3 release2 is now available. Here is a short summary of the main changes since v6p3r1:
- Improvements to the automated validation of the system in parallel mode
- Overall memory and speed optimisation of the python scripts
- Allowing multiple CAS files to be run together as one HPC (parallel) job
- An important correction to the PSI scheme,
- An important correction to the computation of pressure gradients in the wave equation
- A new example added to CORRXY (in comment),
- Implementation of stability criteria for finite volume schemes
- Improvements to the configuration file and its management of parallel simulation
- And various bug fixes and improvements following your feedback on the forum (e.g. better captures of errors in the python scripts)
This intermediate release is available through our SVN:
- The tag v6p3r2 for those that need a fixed and stable version
- The v6p3 branch for those that prefer continuous improvements
Thanks to all the contributors to this version and to all the users that provided very useful feedback. As usual, your comments and suggestions are welcome on the forum.
Fudaa-Mascaret v3.1.9 available
- Details
- Published on Monday, 30 September 2013 21:21
Version 3.1.9 of Mascaret with the Fudaa user interface is now available for download.
Here are some of the new features and bug corrections:
- Update of the Java compatibility (older versions were compatible with Java 1.6, now Java 1.7 is the minimum required)
- Update of the calculation engine (API improvements and bug correction in the Tracer module)
- 100% compatible GNU/Linux
- Bug correction for reading Rubens file format on a 64-bit architecture
- Pre-processing improvements (laws import is automated during the .cas file import, possibility to visualise upstream and downstream cross sections as overlay in the cross section editor) Post-processing improvements (animation of water level on a section with possibility to record videos, possibility to modify the time scale)
The new version can be downloaded in the installation download area.