News - General
New course available on linear systems
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- Published on Thursday, 19 September 2013 10:19
Thanks to Jean-Michel Hervouet for providing a course on solving linear systems with iterative techniques. This lecture deals with the numerical solution of large linear systems with sparse matrices (e.g. systems stemming from the finite element method). It is available in English and French in the manuals section.
New community page
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- Published on Monday, 05 August 2013 16:30
Our website continues to improve with the arrival of the new community page. The aim of the community page is to provide a place allowing individuals to interact outside the rigidity of the forum (user<->developers). Users will be able to form and join groups of interest - either public or private, and have live discussion taking place within the group (users<->users of similar interests). The community page also provides a way to follow events that are taking place within the TELEMAC-MASCARET community. You can also now directly send private messages to other members or groups.
Also with the community page comes a much extended user's profile. The aim is to develop a network of trusted students and professionals - developers and users - on the site. We invite you to update your profile as soon as possible and get in contact with users of similar interest.
Note: The profile avatar will shortly take precedence over the forum avatar which will eventually disappear. Unfortunately, you will have to reset your avatar if you had one before
New wiki
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- Published on Wednesday, 31 July 2013 08:50
We are pleased to make a new wiki available on this website (accessible through the top menu). The wiki is a collaborative platform used to provide the most up to date documentation to the TELEMAC-MASCARET users, and editable by our code contributors. Most modules user manuals as well as the installation guide are already available. Other information will be gradually added through the coming months.
If you have ideas on how to improve the documentation and topics to cover on the wiki, don't hesitate making suggestions on the forum.
Grand Prix d’Hydrotechnique 2013 winner announced
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- Published on Friday, 28 June 2013 08:39
The TELEMAC-MASCARET consortium is proud to relay the announcement that Jean-Michel Hervouet won the SHF (Société Hydrotechnique de France) Grand Prix d'Hydrotechnique 2013. Jean-Michel - working at the Laboratoire National Hydraulique et Environnement at EDF - is one of the original developpers of the TELEMAC system, and won the award for his great contribution to the field of hydrotechnics in the last 30 years. For more information see the Hydrotechnics Award page.