News - Events
2014 Conference: abstracts reminder
Abstract for the conference proceedings are due for the end of this month !
Please remember to use the template available here. Please submit your abstract to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Compact Course: Hydraulic modeling of open channel flow with free software (in German Language)
This compact 3-day (+1) course will be held at the Institut für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft (TU GRAZ / Austria) by Dr.-Ing. Uwe H. Merkel from UHM Consulting Engineers, Karlsruhe.
Date: 7 to 9 July
The course is suitable for those who want to use Telemac in daily business. Understand the whole tool chain, learn to use it in parallel on your own cluster and adapt the source code to your own needs. Understand what is really important to get the optimum for your projects.
Please click here for more details.
TELEMAC Summer School at HR Wallingford - Dates have just been announced!
This hands-on 5 day course will be held in Wallingford, Oxfordshire (UK) and will cover meshing with Blue Kenue and modelling with TELEMAC-2D, TELEMAC-3D, ARTEMIS, TOMAWAC, and SISYPHE.
This course is suitable for those new to TELEMAC and who would like the opportunity to meet the tutors and other TELEMAC users. Please click here for more details.
Initial information about the upcoming User Conference
The XXIst TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference will take place in Grenoble (France) in October 2014, from Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th.
An email address is already available for enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Further details will be provided soon on the 2014 User Conference page.