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News - Events

The 2011 edition of the TELEMAC user club was a success

The 2011 edition of the TELEMAC User Club was a success, with 120 participants and 26 presentations made.The conference took place on the 19th-21st October 2011. It was held at the EDF Corporate University, on the Chatou island near Paris (France). Wednesday 19th October was dedicated to training sessions, covering in particular the graphical user interface Blue Kenue from the Canadian Hydraulics Centre. Thursday and Friday were dedicated to developers' and users' presentations and discussions. A banquet was organised in Paris on the night of Thursday, and a visit of the hydraulic labs took place Friday afternoon.

The proceedings are now available on the User Club page. Presentations will also be progressively added as they get sent to us.

User club 2011 in October

To share your experience with all other users, we invite you to the next TELEMAC users club, taking place on the 19th-21st October at Chatou near Paris (France). Wednesday 19 October will be dedicated to Blue-Kenue training and the last 2 days to user presentations and discussions. Be sure to register as soon as possible.

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