Dear Telemac community,
I encountered a compile error during PARTEL_PARA compilation. Partitioner_para.f (<root>/sources/utils/partel) seems to call p_allgatherv_i (<root>/sources/utils/parallel) with a wrong number of arguments.
A short look into those two sources within tags v7p2r0 and v7p1r1 seems to confirm the problem. Obviously, the interface of p_allgatherv_i changed. 'comm' moved to declarations_parallel (<root>/sources/utils/parallel) as a pointer to the MPI communicator variable. On the contrary the call of p_allgatherv_i in partitioner_para.f did not change.
My basic fixes to partitioner_para.f that seem to work were:
1.) Remove local definition of variable comm
2.) Remove comm from the two calls of call p_allgatherv_i (...) lines
I hope those were correct fixes, but I don't really know what might be side effects (although I don't think there are some).
Can someone confirm these observations or fixes? ... or did I miss something?