SBATCH is a job scheduler but I'm not sure you could use it on your cluster as you use PBS.
I think you should adapt the script to PBS.
On my cluster, for example I've got:
#$ -N <jobname> instead of #SBATCH --job-name=<jobname>
#$ -pe ompi <ncsize> instead of #SBATCH --ntasks=<ncsize>
#$ -q <queue> instead of #SBATCH --partition=<queue>
and my command line is
hpc_cmdexec: qsub < <hpc_stdin>
After configuring your system, the command should be also adapted with the following syntax: telemac2d -c ubugfopenmpi --hpc --ncsize=xx --jobname=xx --queue=xx cas
The adaptation step is not easy and depend of your configuration.
Good luck