Hello all,
I work on the coupling between TELEMAC and MASCARET with OpenPALM and the Schwarz algorithm. To impose the bounadry conditions of TELEMAC what I do is to transmit the discharge computed with MASCARET to TELEMAC in the subroutine read_fic_frliq.f and then I modify the INFIC table with those new values. In this case everything works fine and the algorithm converges.
Now if I want to transmit the velocities (instead of the discharge) computed with MASCARET to TELEMAC I do the same thing but in that case the velocity are turned to 0 on the corresponding liquid boundaries even if the INFIC table has the good values inside, and I don't understand why. Do you have an idea of what's going wrong ? Should I transmit the velocities to an other TELEMAC subroutine ? Any idea is welcome