Hi Both, thank you for your responses, however none of these suggestions solved my issue. Using 'PRESCRIBED VELOCITY' in your steering file overrides the LIQUID BOUNDARIES FILE option and simply gives a step change in velocity to the values prescribed at each boundary denoted. Further to that point I only had one boundary in my domain for simplicity and therefore the numbering of boundaries and how this was represented in the file was not my issue.
After delving into the vit.f and read_fic_frliq.f subroutines and playing around with the format of the boundaries file, I have found that the code did not recognize U(1) and V(1) as inputs, however if I label the time series of velocity VIT(1) it runs perfectly (i.e. the time series is input as magnitude with direction effectively = 0). This was ok for me as I have my domain set up so that velocity is prescribed at the channel boundary in a northerly direction (i.e. only in the v direction), therefore my u vector time series would be zero anyway and I simply input all the flow along the v vector, as one would per a magnitude. When I included a second boundary at the north end of the channel for which I wanted to be an open boundary without forcing so that flow could propagate away from the channel I introduced VIT(2) into the boundary file with all values set at zero. FYI my .cli file boundaries are 466 (forced) in the south and 444 (unforced) in the north.
However, this negates the fact that one cannot apply time varying U and V velocity vectors separately using the LIQUID BOUNDARIES FILE as the manual states? I am running v6p3r2 for information. I am unsure if this was rectified in later releases? r.clayton what version are you running and does it recognize the U and V notations in the header of your boundary file? Do you see distinct values in the U and V direction at the boundary in your simulations. I do near the edge of the domain where friction occurs and the flow diverts.