I've got a question concerning the tracer configuration.
I have a mesh on which I define 2 boundaries, the one downstream with prescribed elevation and the upstream boundary with prescribed flowrate (done with time curves in Fudaa).
To set the tracer, I first do right-click in the 2-view, add a tracer and give it a name (16 units for the name itself and then the units). As initial value, I set 0.
In keywords, I give the tracer a prescribed value (PRESCRIBED TRACER VALUES) for the boundaries. Back in the 2d view, I select the defined tracer at the inflow boundary, and chose it as variable in time (as I define it with a function (time curve).
At the outflow boundary, I set the tracer as constant with the value 0 (= PRESCRIBED TRACER VALUES on boundary 2).
However, when I analyse the results after computation, the tracer value is equal to 0 (min 0, max 0).
I attach the other modified keywords and the cas file.