I am trying to couple tel2d with a 1D model. The water exchange between 2D ground surface and 1D would be through flow rate. The 1D network may be underneath (eg sewer network) or embedded in (eg river system) a 2D domain. I am thinking to use source (positive or negative) in tel2d to add or remove flow rate from 2D domain. Therefore, I need to edit the source values of each source point at every tel2d time step. I understand the source file can feed temporal varying flow to tel2d but that does not allow me to dynamically edit it with changing 1D network response.
Could anyone kindly suggest which Fortran subroutine I need to edit to accept an array of source flows? I cannot break the parallel computing of tel2d, so reading from a text file may not work and also be time consuming.
I was wondering how the data exchange between modules (eg tel2d and sisphe) is completed? Maybe I could borrow some ideas from that.
Do we have call graphs of the tel2d (or the entire tel system)? That may help users to understand the data flow. Or what other tools are you using to understand the relationship among hundreds of Fortran files?
Any inputs are greatly appreciated,