I did more research on the IPOBO array. I understand it is a 1D array with dimension NPOIN. My observation is that BlueKenue does not define IPOBO array the same way as tel code.
BlueKenue defines IPOBO array like this: IPOBO(1) = 1, IPOBO(2) = 2, IPOBO(3) = 0, ... the array index is node ID and is always the same as value, except value is zero for internal node (not at boundary).
However, tel code defines IPOBO array like this (as parsed with pputils scripts): IPOBO(65) = 1, IPOBO(77) = 2, IPOBO(3) = 0,... the array index is still the node global ID. However, the value 1 corresponds to node ID 65, which has the minimum (x + y). The value 2 corresponds to the ID of the next boundary node in anti-clockwise direction. Node 3 still has value 0 indicating it is a internal node.
Could anyone help to explain how IPOBO array is used in the code? Does the node value really matter for tel code, as long as the internal nodes and boundary nodes are correctly distinguished as BlueKenue currently can? I believe many tel modelers use BlueKenue to create slf files so it would be beneficial to get confirmation from the tel development team on this.
Thank you.