I read the document : "Adding a particle transport module to Telemac-2D with applications to algae blooms and oil spill"
I runned the examples riv_art and estu_gir but i can't get similar results as the document.For example I can't get what's in this first photo (photo1.png)
I am using Tecplot 360 EX 2018 R1 so the manipulation is different than what's in the document. When I open the result file with tecplot and try to add the drogues file (oil_displacement.dat) I choose append data to active frame, I get that message (photo2.png)I clicked on ok anyway( i don't know if the problem comes from here).
The problem is that when I try to show scatter's layer by checking the scatter option in zone layers I get this (photo3.png) even before adding the oil_displacement.dat (adding the drogues file doesn't change anything, it stays the same)
Thank you in advance