Hello Forum,
I am trying to run a simulation on storm surges caused by a winter storm along the British coast with TELEMAC 2D. I have already obtained adequate results by importing the pressure field and wind field with the keyword 'BINARY ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE'. Now I would like to improve the results by coupling TELEMAC 2D with TOMAWAC and import the effects of wave driven currents. However, when coupling the 2 modules, although the simulation seemed to run correctly till the end, when I checked the result file, the values 'WIND ALONG' in the TOMAWAC result file appeared to be 'NaN', and apparently the wind effect was not counted during the simulation of TOMAWAC.I find it strange because 'partel' seemed to be running correctly and the wind data appeared to be correctly read and split by the process. I tried to run a standalone TOMAWAC Simulation with the same steering file, input files and settings and everything went fine, this problem only occurs when I tried to couple with TELEMAC 2D. Has anyone ever encountered a problem like this?
Just for information: I'm running tag v7p2r3 on Ubuntu 16.04.
Thanks for any help~