Hello Yasmina,
I have been doing for some time exactly what you are describing in 2D. I extract from a 2D global model the boundary conditions for the 2D local model. If you are working in 3D there are some pre-existing scripts that will manage the boundary conditions for you. As far as I know, there are no such tools for 2D.
For the TOMAWAC model, this treatment of boundary conditions is already programmed and available to you. No need to modify any Fortran subroutine. Look under the TOMAWAC example 'impose_spectra' for inspiration.
As for TELEMAC-2D, this boundary treatment has to be done via a modification to the bord.f subroutine. I am attaching my modification (not pretty, not beautiful, lots of hard coding). In this example you will see that I cut everything out from bord.f and only retained what I needed. Notice that I also imposed river flow through this modified bord.f (as liquid boundaries file didn't work anymore after my modifications of bord.f). In this example I assign at each offshore boundary point of the local model depth, uvel, and vvel. I also assign uvel and vvel for the upstream (inland) river.
I also use a python script extract_bord.py from PPUTILS to extract from a global TELEMAC-2D model result file a text formatted file. I then manually modify this text file so that my bord.f subroutine can read it. It is not perfect, but it works.
This is all what I got. If you make improvements to this cumbersome procedure of mine, please post them here.
File Attachment:
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bord.fFile Size: 13 KB