Hi Riadh,
thank you for your feedback. The curious thing is that the simulation does not stop after running the same number of days; sometimes it stops after running about 7 days, others after running about 8.5 days (this was the maximum number of days it ran in a row). My liquid boundary file has 1384 lines only (corresponding to about 29 days of simulation, i.e. 2485800 s, and data spaced 30 min). Therefore, the issue presented in this post-http://www.opentelemac.org/index.php/assistance/forum5/21-telemac-3d/6521-liquid-boundaries-file should not be applied to my case. I have been using restart files to be able to run the simulation along the 29 days, and the results look fine. It will take a very long time if I run the first 8.5 days in serial to test!
For using Telemac version 7p2r2, I had to adapt my Fortran boundary conditions file princi_uv.f (which I have previously used with version 6.2), by changing some of the keywords that were not correct anymore. Maybe I did something wrong in that file. I would appreciate if you can have a quick look at it (is attached).
Many thanks!