The time step can be managed with several different tools. For finite elements, the efficiency of the solver is the main indicators that can help to choose the time step. The iterative linear solver you are using should converge (i.e. not exceed the maximum number of iterations) and thus, if you see that it converges withn 40 to 50 iterations, this means that your time step is well chosen. If it converges in very few iterations, this means that you could increase it. On the other side, if the solver does not converge, this means that you should decrease it.
You have another option. You can use a varying time step by fixing the Courant number (around 1 for instance) and let Telemac do the choice of the value of time step. This is also the same stratégy for finite volumes.
I hope that this helps
with my best regards
Riadh Ata