Hello Saroj,
I can't reproduce the error above by running your case, but I have NaN values appearing at the first iteration of the coupled simulation.
The problem comes from your sisyphe boundary conditions (8th column of your sisyphe boundary conditions file which deals with the bottom elevation conditions on the boundary nodes, ie LIEBOR).
LIEBOR=2 means that you don't allow bottom evolutions on these nodes (your actual setting).
LIEBOR=4 means that you let the model computing the bottom evolution.
LIEBOR=5 means that you prescribe the bottom evolution.
NaN values appear on these boundary nodes because you're not allowing bottom elevations (LIEBOR=2 wall conditions) that lead to an incompatibility during the resolution of mass conservation over these boundary nodes. If you set LIEBOR=4 (free bottom evolutions), your case runs fine.
I advise you to read the section 1.2.2 of sisyphe user manual on this topics! It's the same principle than for telemac2d but for sediment quantities.
Your sisyphe steering file is also weird. It doesn't mention which processes you're considering (bedload, transport formula, Shields parameter, suspended load...), low density value of 1410kg/m3 (without porosity), morphological factor? ...
I hope it helps.