When using the variable time step with FE, how TELEMAC does it? I mean, from the maximum time step given by the user, TELEMAC starts at each iteration and if it doesn't comply with the CFL, it makes it smaller? And then, for the next iteration it starts again with the maximum value given by the user? Or which is the first value TELEMAC tries at each iteration?
Ho can I see the CFL at each time step (without using variable time step)? I don't see it in the listing file...if I didn't specify anything and my time step is constant, is it always near to 1?
In the listing file, I see that the solution at each time step is achieved at 9 or 10 iterations, that means no subiterations are being required, right!?.
I'm using schemes 1 or 14 for the advection of velocities and scheme 1 for the advection of tracers.