Are you trying to run an unsteady flow case? If yes, then,
First, You need to define the Keywords in the steering file (LIQUID BOUNDARY FILE = 'name of the file') and place the file in your simulation directory.
Please check the attached sample of the steering file and the corresponding liquid boundary file. In this sample case, you can see in liquid boundary file 'Lq15.txt', there are two boundaries- boundary 1 is outflow boundary so elevation is given in the column SL (1) whereas the boundary 2 is inflow boundary so the discharge is given in the column Q(2). The column 'T' represents the time in seconds.
You can find the details about the liquid boundary file in the telemac2d user manual in the section 4.2.4 and 4.2.5
If you want to run a constant discharge case for 2 hours, you don't need a liquid boundary file. It can simply be done using the keywords 'PRESCRIBED FLOWRATES and PRESCRIBED ELEVATIONS'. So for this sample case PRESCRIBED 'FLOWRATES =0.0;208.7' and PRESCRIBED ELEVATIONS=10.09;0.0' could be done.
Hope it will help you.