Fabien and Yugi, I am performing essentially the same task - connecting telemac to an external C library. The library consists of ~50 C files. I have created a simple Fortran main program to interact with my C functions (i.e. compile C files to object files and then link them with fortran main to generate an exe file) and it worked very well.
Yugi, I was trying to follow your suggestion here - include my lib in libs_all. Should I archive all my object files into a single .lib file (I am using Windows 10 + v7p2r3), and then specify the .lib name after libs_all? I did try this option but it caused linkage error in linking to some libraries (e.g. splitsel.exe that is not related to what I am trying to interact between my lib and telemac).
Could you please provide more guidance to move forward? Thank you!