I'll try to answer some of your questions:
1. If it is actually a sluice and the river is not going through like in your figure, you can elevate the bottom between the culvert nodes I1 and I2. Otherwise the water will just run through in your simulation. But be carefull, the point I1 and I2 must have a lower elevation and must contain water to pass through the culvert!
2. THe green and the blue points are both fine. The code doesn't really take the length into account at this moment. The length is only used to calculate the head loss due to wall friction. The water is transported from one end to the other in 1 time step no matter the length. So this code can not be used to model long pipes or very long culverts. The amount of water that you can transport through the culvert in 1 time step depends on the amount of water that is available in the node I1 at that time step. This is checked in the code and a limiting factor on the amount of discharge through your sluice or culvert.
3. You can try to model your sluice with one culvert, but if this culvert/sluice is very wide, it will transport a large amount of water every time step and this water must be available in the node I1! The code will automatically limit the discharge to the amount that is available.
So it is possible that you give a very large LRG value and the calculated discharges through your sluice are very large, but only a small part of this is actually transported in the model in one time step. Then it is better to dived your sluice over several nodes and use multiple culverts.
You could check this by going in the code of the culverts and ask to give output of calculated discharges before and after the check for the amount of water that is available in point I1. This check looks like this:
where Qmax is taken as 90% of the volume of water available in point I1
Then the theoretical discharge through your sluice or culvert is calculated based on the water levels in point I1 and I2 and is called DBUS in the code.
If the theoretical discharge is larger than zero, the minimum of this value and Qmax1 is taken.
(maybe we could add a warning message in the code when this is done)
You could alter this code a bit to ask for output of DBUS before and after this test to see.
4. this constant C56 is determined based on figure 3 in my conference paper about the culvert modeling. You can find this paper in the TUC2016 proceeding or at my researchgate page
5. If you look up my paper you can find good definitions of these parameters and find the best values for them depending on your particular case.
6. Z1 and Z2 are the bottom levels of your sluice at entrance and exit respectively. They are usually equal or higher as the river bottom.
Hope this info helps you model the culverts in your case.
kind regards,