Dear all,
I am trying to simulate storm surge flooding in coastal urban areas. To account for the presence of buildings, I would like to create multiple holes and/or submeshes within a global mesh. See attached image below.
In BlueKenue, I know that there is a mannual method for creating a hole in the mesh according to shapefile (Edit -> T3 mesh -> Delete Elements in Polygon...). However, this method only allows me to delete the elements one at a time, which is not feasible as I have 7000 buildings and therefore 7000 holes I would like to create.
The same goes for creating submeshes. I tired File -> New -> T3 mesh generator and then dragged my shapefile into the outline of the newT3mesh. However, it can only take a polygon at a time too.
It'd be great if people can provide some solutions to this in either BlueKenue or other GIS softwares.