A quick check, indicates that your coordinate system does not match UTM WGS84 zone 35, nor UTM WGS84 zone 34, which seems the most appropriate. However I doubt this is causing the trouble. Furthermore, Telemac2D (trunk version) does not accept UTM zones other than 30:
The value for ZONE NUMBER IN GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEM (35)is not among the choices:
{'-1': 'NO DEFAULT VALUE', '1': 'LAMBERT 1 NORTH', '2': 'LAMBERT 2 CENTER', '3': 'LAMBERT 3 SOUTH', '4': 'LAMBERT 4 CORSICA', '22': 'LAMBERT 2 EXTENDED', '93': 'LAMBERT 93', '30': 'UTM ZONE, E.G.'}
Maybe a tide expert can provide some more insight.